Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocab fall list #2

1.) intercede- Intervene on behalf of another
The kid interceded in the fight.
2.)hackneyed- Lacking signifigance through having been overused
The word love was hackneyed to the boy.
3.)approbation- Aproval or praise
The paper was held with high approbation
4.)innuendo- An allusive or oblique remark or hint

5.)coalition-An alliance for combined action.
The military is a coalition.
6.)elicit-Evoke or draw out  from someone by actions or questions
"their moves elicit exclamations of approval".
7.)hiatus- A pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process
During the speech, there was a short hiatus when he turned the page.
8.)assuage- Make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense:
"the letter assuaged the fears of most members".
9.)decadence-Moral or cultural decline, esp. after a peak of achievement

10.)expostulate-Express strong disapproval or disagreement
the kids expostulate the homework
11.)simulate-Imitate the appearance or character of
the simulate looked like harry potter
12.)jaded- Tired, bored, or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something.
I was very jaded after school and practice
13.)umbrage- ofense or annoyance
"she took umbrage at his remarks".
14.)prerogative- A right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class
our class had a prerogative to leave early because we did our work.
15.)lurid-Very vivid in color, esp. so as to create an unpleasantly harsh or unnatural effect:
"lurid food colorings".
16.)transcend- be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division).

17.)provincial- Of or concerning a province of a country or empire

18.)petulant- of a person or their manner) Childishly sulky or bad-tempered
the person was petulant at the grocery store
19.)unctuous- (of a person) Excessively or ingratiatingly flattering; oily:
"anxious to please in an unctuous way".
20.) meritorious- Deserving reward or praise
 "a medal for meritorious conduct".

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