Tuesday, October 30, 2012


1. bosom- heart; the center; an intimate part of the human anatomy
2. prudently- wise or judicious in practical affairs
3. inveterate- having a habit that isn't going to stop
4. propensity- likelihood
5. advert- promoting an idea; to refer
6. stripling- a youth
7. repose- to pose again
8. sequestered- kept separate
9. glen- a small, narrow valley
10. pervade- to become spread throughout all parts og
11. reverie- a trance or spell
12. gambols- to play; frolic
13. collating- to gather or arrange in their proper sequence
14. allege- to assert without proof
15. purport- to present
16- imbibed- to consume by drinking
17. laud- admiration
18. sojourned- a temporary stay
19. tarry- to linger
20. cognomen- a surname
21- potentates- dictators
22. onerous- burdensome

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