adroit- clever or skillful in using hands or mind
The pilot was very adroit as he manuevered the plane through the sky.
amicable-to be friendly
the stranger was very amicable when i asked for directions.
averse-having a strong dislike or to oppose something
some people are very averse against abortion
belligerent-hostile and aggressive
the bully is belligerent.
benevolent- well meaning and kindly
cursory-hasty and not thought through.
the presentation was cursory
duplicity-to be deceitful/double dealer
he was acting very duplicity
extol-praise, enthusiaistacally
the paper was help in extol
feasible-possible to do. likely
the idea was feasible
grimace-a twisted expression on a persons face
He grimmaced at the taste of the lemon
holocaust-destruction or slaughter on a mass scale
the holocause of the jews
impervious-unable to be affected by, unpassable
the castle was impervious to catapults because the high walls
impetus-The force or energy or momentum with which a body moves
jeoparady-Danger of loss, harm, or failure
he was in great jeapardy when the brakes stopped working
meticulous-Showing great attention to detail
the docter was very meticulous
nostalgia-A sentimental longing for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations
retrogress-Go back to an earlier state, typically a worse one
the patient retrogressed
scrutinize-Examine or inspect closely and thoroughly
tepid-Showing little enthusiasm
i am very tepid when doing homework!
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